Another key feature of the SG system is that it uses flush style Vortex bars which are cut to an exact length as determined by the width of your vehicle’s roof. You won’t find a more stylish looking roof rack for your vehicle.
The amount of accessories that can be fitted to the Vortex Bar increases your ability to take any hobby with you on any journey. So whether you’re a traveller, cyclist, surfer, family person or tradesperson – the Vortex SG roof rack system has you covered.
- Made for vehicle’s with protruding side gutters
- Removable
- Features wind noise reducing VGS strips
- Easy to install / remove
- Stylish flush bars with no overhang
- Strong and built to last
- Suitable for light off-road use
- Compatible with a wide range of accessories
- Tested and approved to Australian AS1235-2000 standards